Brain-Eating Bacteria Shows Up in Louisiana Tap Water


Several weeks ago, two Louisiana citizens were killed due to a brain-eating amoeba that has turned up in the water supply of St. Bernard Parish, near New Orleans. In addition, the amoeba was also recently found in a second Louisiana parish–Ascension. The Louisiana Department of Health & Hospitals reported that the water system was not in compliance with a 2013 emergency rule instituting chlorine level requirements.

This is the second time in two years that the bacteria—Naegleria fowleri—has been detected in the water supply and resulted in severe consequences.

The water supply in both parishes is currently being treated with chlorine for 60 days to treat the bacteria, but health officials still claim that the tap water is safe to drink. However, officials warn that residents need to be careful about getting the water in their noses because it travels to the brain and causes both meningitis and encephalitis, making local residents nervous about other activities, such as bathing and swimming.

Where It Is Found, Symptoms & Prevention

Symptoms associated with the bacteria include severe fever, headaches, stiffness, and often death. One victim died after developing an infection from swimming in a lake, 48 hours later. Of the 35 infections that were reported between 2005 and 2014, 31 of them were from swimming. The bacteria evidently thrives in warm water, and is thus likely to be more dangerous during the summer months.

Still, the bacteria can exist in anyone’s water, including bacteria in tap water. It is strongly recommended if you use a neti pot or diffuser that you use sterile or filtered water. It is still not known why some people become infected and others do not, given that Naegleria is found in freshwater all over the world.

Some basic steps suggested by experts to avoid coming into contact with it include:

  • Avoid placing your head underwater while swimming in lakes or drives;
  • Do not jump or dive into freshwater such that water can get up your nose; and
  • Wear nose plugs if you do go swimming to keep the water out.

Testing tap water for the amoeba is still very new, so it is still also a very good idea to avoid getting tap water up your nose.

Get To A Doctor Quickly

It should be noted, however, that there have been a handful of cases where people who contracted an infection survived because doctors were able to control the pressure in the patients’ brains. In addition, arguably, the Louisiana officials should be testing the tap water for all of Louisiana, not just in particular parishes, given the recent outbreaks and how severe the infection is once contracted. If you are experiencing symptoms associated with meningitis—including fever, aches, stiffness, etc.—your doctor should ensure that you have not come down with a Naegleria fowleri infection early on so that symptoms can be controlled.

Louisiana Attorneys on Your Side

Harrell & Nowak have dealt with many malpractice (and failure to diagnose) cases. For more information about these types of cases, such as the failure to diagnose a health problem or the delayed diagnosis of a health problem, be sure to contact our New Orleans, Louisiana personal injury lawyers today.