Users of Yaz and Yasmin Should Know the Symptoms of Blood Clots

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is adamant about warning users of the health risks linked to drospirenone-based birth control pills, such as Yaz and Yasmin. Studies have linked use of the oral contraceptives to venous thromboembolism (VTE), commonly known as blood clots.

Compared to levonorgestrel-based contraceptives, users of Yaz and Yasmin have a two to three times greater risk of developing VTE. The dangerous blood clots can occur in the legs or pelvis, leading to deep vein thrombosis. A pulmonary embolism can occur if a blood clot travels to the lungs and blocks the pulmonary artery. The results can be long-term health complications and death.

Health care professionals can misdiagnose VTE symptoms as something less serious. The early warning signs of VTE often appear in the legs and lower extremities. Symptoms may include tenderness, swelling, warmth, skin discoloration, persistent pain, rapid pulse and shortness of breath. The FDA advises women to consult a doctor immediately if they suspect they have VTE symptoms.

The FDA also advises users of Yaz and Yasmin to speak with their doctor about discontinuing use of the contraceptive. The FDA will continue looking into the health risks associated with Yaz and Yasmin to assess their risks to users.


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