Video of New Orleans Cop Swerving in Car Posted on YouTube

Two witnesses called 911 to report a city owned vehicle swerving down Interstate 10 in Louisiana. New Orleans police responded and discovered that the driver of the swerving car was a New Orleans police officer, according to a story at

Witnesses in a vehicle behind the officer’s car caught the action of video. It shows the white sedan swerving on the on-ramp and striking the guardrail twice before entering Interstate 10. Once on the Interstate, the vehicle continues driving at about 25 mph according to the witnesses filming the car. The two men who filmed the car posted the video on YouTube. The New Orleans Police Department later confirmed that it was one of their officers driving the car in the video.

The police department suspended the officer’s driving privileges until they complete the investigation into the incident. No one suffered injuries, and fortunately, there was not a car accident. Investigators are looking into whether a medical issue caused the erratic driving.

In cases where a city owned car is involved in an accident, the suspect is immediately drug tested. They give a urine sample and authorities check for drug and alcohol use. 


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