What to Do if Your Young Athlete Suffers a Concussion

Concussions in young athletes are in the headlines a lot lately. These are kids that play sports for fun and end-up suffering a potentially life-long head injury. While nothing can completely guard kids against injuries in sports, as a parent, there are steps you can take to minimize any long-term injury if your child suffers a concussion while playing sports.

If you suspect your child suffered a concussion, don’t take any chances. Remove him or her from play, even light practice. The slightest bump can worsen the condition. You should never try and diagnosis your child’s injury. Take him or her to a qualified professional experienced in concussion injuries.

Tell the doctor what caused the blow to the head or body. Tell the doctor if your child lost consciousness and for how long. Also, tell the doctor whether it is your child’s first head injury or concussion. No matter how much your child insists on playing, keep them out of play until the doctor says it is okay to return. The brain needs time to completely heal and a second concussion can increase the chances of life-long problems.

Have you kept your kids out of sports for head injuries?

Harrell & Nowak, L.L.C. – New Orleans injury lawyers