Officials Release Report on State Fair Carnival Ride Accident

Last month, we told you about a 4-year-old boy who suffered serious injurieson a carnival ride at the Louisiana State Fair. The boy was exiting the ride when it began moving. He fell and rescue workers had to extract him from the ride’s metal deck. The boy remained trapped for about 30 minutes before firefighters could free him. Now, a report from the State Fire Marshal said operator error caused the accident and injuries.

According to a story at, the ride has a key to prevent the ride from moving. The key was not in place when another child accidentally pushed the ride button. The ride began moving and caused the accident.

While the investigation ruled out mechanical error, investigators would not say whether the carnival operator neglected to follow safety procedures. Some amusement ride experts are questioning why the operator was away from the control panel while riders exited the ride.

The Amusement Safety Organization (ASO) says that half of all carnival rides involve toddlers and pre-school children. In 2010, there were 838 amusement park injuries reported to the ASO, and rider misconduct was responsible for 117 of those injuries.

Louisiana experienced one death from a carnival ride in 2006. Do you always feel safe and secure on amusement park rides?

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