What Proponents of Yaz said about Studies Linking the Pill to Blood Clots

Over the past several months, we have followed the allegations and lawsuits stemming from the Yaz and Yasmin birth control pills. Recently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel mandated that the manufacturer, Bayer, clarify the warnings about blood clots on the packaging.

Some of the FDA’s panel experts criticized the studies linking Yaz and Yasmin to blood clots in women who took the pill. They pointed out that some of the studies failed to take into account other risk factors for blood clots some of the women may have already had. Other studies did not identify the pills used in the comparison group or they failed to confirm a blood clot diagnosis.

Either way, Yaz and Yasmin are still on the market albeit with a stronger warning about the risk of blood clots associated with the pill. If you are taking Yaz and Yasmin, and you are concerned about the health risks, there are some steps you can take to reduce your chances of injury.


·         Consult your physician – the FDA recommends that you continue to use the pill unless your doctor says otherwise


·         Avoid birth control pills immediately after childbirth


·         Regular exercise improves circulation and reduces the risk of blood clots


·         Seek medical attention immediately if you experience pain, swelling, warmth or discoloration in your legs.


Your doctor can provide additional information if you are concerned about blood clots from taking Yaz or Yasmin.

Do you know someone who suffered injuries from the Yaz or Yasmin birth control medication?

Harrrell & Nowak, L.L.C. – New Orleans injury lawyers