What Can Just a Few Drinks do to Drivers?

Do you ever think that you are okay to drive after just a few drinks? The next time you decide to have “one for the road” keep in mind that you do not have to feel drunk in order to have a .08 blood alcohol content (BAC). In fact, the average drunk driver drives legally drunk 80 times before his or her first arrest. Alcohol affects everyone differently depending on weight, gender and the amount of food in the stomach.

 Here is what can happen to your body at .08:

  • Your judgment, self-control and reasoning are impaired
  • Your balance, speech, vision and reaction time are poor
  •  It is harder to detect danger
  • Some people experience short term memory loss
  • It is harder to control your vehicle’s speed

Over 10,000 people will lose their lives in drunken driving accidentsthis year, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA). Finding another way home or not drinking before driving all together can lessen your chances of suffering an injury or worse in a drunken driving car crash.

Check back tomorrow for what happens to your body when your BAC is nearly twice the legal limit.

Harrell & Nowak, L.L.C.New Orleans injury lawyers