What is the Most Dangerous Distracted Driving Activity?

Of all the distracting behaviors a driver can do behind the wheel, text messaging is the most dangerous, according to the U.S. Government’s official website for distracted driving, distraction.gov. The reason is that text messaging requires visual, manual and cognitive attention from the driver.

The website defines “distracted driving” as any activity that diverts a driver’s attention away from the primary task of driving. Other forms of distracted driving include:

  • Eating and drinking
  • Grooming
  • Using a navigation system
  • Adjusting the radio, CD player or MP3 player
  • Talking to passengers
  • Talking on a cell phone

While all of the above activities endanger the lives of passengers and pedestrians, text messaging requires the driver to use his or her hands, eyes and mental faculties. With all that attention on texting, there is little left for keeping the eyes, hands and mind on the road. In the end, text messaging creates a car crashrisk 23 times worse than driving without distractions, according to the website.

Researchers at the University of Utah discovered that using a cell phone for any purpose while driving delays a driver’s reactions as much as having a blood alcohol content of .08.

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