This is the Month for Brain Injury Awareness

Scientists compare the human brain to the hard drive in a computer. If the hard drive suffers damage, the computer fails to work properly. Head trauma and brain injury have the same relation to the human body. A head injury can have permanent effects on a person’s ability to function. With that in mind, the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) declared March as Brain Injury Awareness Month.

A spokesperson for the BIAA said that education and awareness are the initiatives behind Brain Injury Awareness Month. The current figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that 1.7 million Americans suffer a brain injury every year. After a brain injury, about 52,000 die and 275,000 people require hospitalization, according to the CDC.

Researchers caution that some victims do not take head injuries seriously. Even mild head trauma can have lasting consequences if not treated immediately and properly. Officials with the BIAA hope to highlight research and treatment programs and help victims access specialized treatment programs for brain injuries.

The BIAA wants to use the month to also bring awareness to the fact that a brain injury affects the victim’s loved ones as well. Caregivers can experience feelings of stress, burden and anxiety from caring for a brain injury patient.

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