Keeping TBI Victims Away from Substance Abuse

One of the biggest losses for a traumatic brain injury (TBI) victim is not being able to do the activities they enjoyed before their injury. Activities such as work, sports, reading and socializing with friends can be extremely challenging for someone dealing with a TBI. The main goal of TBI rehabilitation is to return the victim to the life they enjoyed before their injury, or something close to it. However, for TBI victims who abuse drugs and alcohol, it puts that goal further out of reach.

As we discussed in our blogs this week, even a small amount of illegal drug and alcohol use can worsen a TBI. This worsening in physical condition can set back any steps made in rehabilitation. Furthermore, it can have a detrimental impact on personal relationships, which are extremely important in TBI recovery. A TBI victim’s loved ones are the people who stay close to the victim and provide a positive influence on their lives.

If you know a TBI victim who is having a difficult time in rehabilitation or in dealing with the realities of their injury, ask others to help you get him or her the help they need. It is common for TBI victims to experience feelings of loneliness and isolation after their injury. Reminding the TBI victim that they have friends and family looking out for them can lessen their chances of turning to drugs and alcohol.

If you know someone dealing with a severe head injury, one of our lawyers might be able to help you. Contact us for a free case review.

Harrell & Nowak, L.L.C. – New Orleans injury attorneys