How Can You Lower Your Risk for Leukemia?

We told you in our Monday blog about the doctor who allegedly misdiagnosed a woman’s medical condition, and she eventually died from leukemia. Children and adults can develop leukemia, with people over age 60 being a high-risk group. It is a form of cancer that attacks the body’s blood cells, beginning in the bone marrow and eventually spreading to the rest of the body.

Someone can experience leukemia symptoms suddenly or over time. Some leukemia symptoms include the following:

·         Fatigue and weight loss

·         Weakness and abnormal bleeding

·         Infection and excessive bruising

·         Enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen or liver

A doctor should take a complete medical history if you experience any of the above symptoms. There are a number of different ways that a doctor can test for leukemia, including blood tests, physical exams, biopsy and a spinal tap.

One risk factor for leukemia that you can control is smoking. People who smoke have a higher risk of developing leukemia than people who do not smoke. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor if you think you have leukemia symptoms.

If you think a doctor misdiagnosed your medical condition, call us at 504-522-7885 for a free case review with a personal injury attorney. You can also visit our website for further information on our law practice. We look forward to helping you.  

Harrell & Nowak, L.L.C. – New Orleans injury lawyers