Nurse Negligence Can Harm Patients Too

Most people think of doctors when they hear the term “medical malpractice.” While doctors are responsible for serious medical errors, nurses can also make serious and fatal medical errors if they do not live up to the standard of care. Whether intentional or unintentional, nurse negligence can happy in a number of different ways.

If a nurse fails to record patient information on the patient’s chart, it can lead to further health complications and even death. There have been reported cases where nurses notice an infection but forget to record it. In addition, serious medication errors have occurred when nurses administer medication to the wrong patient. Believe it or not, it is a simple case of the nurse not confirming the patient’s identity before giving him or her the medication.

The worst cases are where the negligence is intentional. If a nurse notices a patient needs cleaning or other minor care, the nurse might feel it is an orderly’s or assistant’s job. The patient goes unattended, which can result in a much more serious health problem.

Call our office at 504-522-7885 if you or a loved one is a victim of nurse negligence. The nurse and the hospital can be liable for your suffering. Our website has more information on how we can help you.  

Harrell & Nowak, LLC – New Orleans medical malpractice attorneys