Risking Nerve Damage During Surgery

Every surgical procedure has its own set of risks. Ideally, you come out of surgery with minimal complications and make a complete recovery. However, surgical mistakes can happen and cause permanent damage and further life complications. Some patients have suffered nerve damage during surgery from a doctor’s negligence.

One way nerve damage can occur is if there is a mistake in the administration of anesthesia. Even a minor surgical procedure using a local anesthetic has the potential for nerve damage. If the doctor hits a nerve, any contact could cause damage. Some surgical procedures require the anesthesia through the patient’s spinal column. The spinal column is a highway of nerves from the brain to the lower body. Any mistake can cause life-altering nerve damage.

Another way for nerve damage to occur during surgery is by a surgeon’s error. Almost all surgery takes place near the nerves. Even minor contact with a nerve can cause irritation. If there is a severing of the nerve, severe damage is often the result.

Tell your doctor immediately if you experience any discomfort or pain after surgery. If you think you suffered injury from a medical mistake, call our office at 504-522-7885 to speak with a medical malpractice lawyer. Visit our website for more information about our law practice.  

Harrell & Nowak, LLC – New Orleans medical malpractice attorneys