Over 12,000 Patients Die Each Year from Unnecessary Surgeries

Advances in medicine have made it possible for surgery to save more and more lives. Many patients have no other option than surgery to prolong and improve their quality of life. However, approximately 12,000 patients die every year in the United States from unnecessary surgeries, according to the American Medical Association (AMA).

Some doctors will recommend surgery to patients when a non-surgical course of treatment is just as effective and less risky. Any type of surgery, no matter how seemingly routine, presents risk to a patient. Unnecessary surgical procedures that are common in hospitals include:

·         Heartburn surgery

·         Gastric bypass surgery

·         Low back surgery

·         Hysterectomy

·         Pacemaker implant

If your doctor recommends surgery, you should always ask if there is any other course of treatment. An unnecessary surgery can sometimes do more harm than good. Your doctor and surgeon are liable for any injuries and expenses if you suffer harm from unnecessary surgical procedures.  If a loved one loses his or her life from a surgery that you think was unnecessary, you have the right to seek damages and compensation for your loss. Call our office at 504-522-7885. Feel free to visit our web page for more information about medical malpractice.

Harrell & Nowak, LLC – New Orleans medical malpractice attorneys