Risk Factors for a Stillbirth

Even the smallest medical error during childbirth can result in a major injury for the child or mother. Every mother’s worst fear about childbirth is a stillbirth. A stillbirth is when the delivered fetus shows no signs of life. According to medicalmalpractice.com, there are 6.2 stillbirths for every 1,000 successful live births.

There are certain factors that put mothers at risk for a stillbirth. However, if identified by a doctor, these risk factors are controllable. Stillbirth risk factors include the following:

·         Obesity

·         Smoking

·         A mother of older age

·         Pregnancy complications

·         Multiple gestation

It can be medical malpractice if a doctor fails to identify and control some of the above risk factors. It is not always possible to determine what caused a stillbirth. Doctors can perform an autopsy and placental examination, which can narrow the causes and determine if it was preventable.

A stillbirth is a traumatic experience for any mother. It can be worse if a preventable medical mistake caused the fetal death. You can speak to one of our personal injury attorneys by calling 504-522-7885. One of our experienced medical malpractice lawyers will be glad to speak with you at no cost. Our website has more information on how we can help you.  

Harrell & Nowak, LLC – New Orleans medical malpractice attorneys