Study Finds That Hospitals Make a Profit from Surgical Errors

A new study by The Journal of the American Medical Association found that hospitals profit from their own mistakes because insurers pay them for extra care that patients need to treat surgical errors.

The study is based on a detailed analysis of the records of 34,256 people who had surgery in 2010. Of those patients, 1,820 had complications that could have been prevented, such as:

·         blood clots

·         pneumonia

·         infected incisions

The average length of stay for patients with complications quadrupled to 14 days, and hospital profit averaged $30,500 more than for patients without complications.

Researchers say that changing the system to stop rewarding poor care may help to bring down surgical error rates. In many cases, hospitals will end up losing money if they take better care of patients.

Injured From a Surgical Procedure?

These findings shed light on disturbing acts of negligence and medical malpractice in the name of profit. If you were injured from a surgical procedure, our New Orleans medical malpractice law firm may be able to help you obtain compensation.

Our New Orleans medical malpractice attorneys understand the complexity of surgical errors. Shirin Harrell and Eric Nowak will counsel and guide you through your case with expert knowledge while working to bring it to a speedy and just resolution.

If you have been the victim of medical malpractice, including emergency room negligence or a surgical error, contact our New Orleans medical malpractice lawyers today at (504) 522-7885 for a free consultation.

Harrell & Nowak, L.L.C.

New Orleans medical malpractice lawyers