Lawsuit over Fatal Anesthesia Error Settled

Doctors and hospitals use anesthesia to manage pain during certain procedures. The purpose of anesthesia is to make your medical procedure as comfortable as possible. Unfortunately, anesthesia drugs are very powerful and if administered incorrectly, they can cause serious injury or even death.

In March 2011, a 17-year-old high school girl from Maryland went in for routine wisdom teeth surgery. However, during surgery, her heart rate dropped to dangerously low levels and neither the anesthesiologist nor the medical staff was able to revive her.

The young girl slipped into a coma and died 10 days later. The autopsy results revealed that she died due to a lack of oxygen to her brain. The 17-year-old’s parents filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against the anesthesiologist, surgeon and the dental clinic alleging negligence and failure to properly monitor and respond to her vital signs. Recently, the lawsuit was settled for an undisclosed amount.

Our Attorneys Help Those Hurt by Dangerous Medical Mistakes

This medical procedure is so simple and routine that most patients do not need to be fully anesthetized. Due to fatal anesthesia errors, a 17-year-old patient would go in for surgery and never wake up.

At Harrell & Nowak, LLC, our experienced legal team is committed to helping victims of medical malpractice, including those harmed by anesthesia errors. If you or a loved one has been a victim of medical malpractice, contact us today at (504) 522-7885 for a free consultation.

Harrell & Nowak, L.L.C.New Orleans medical malpractice lawyers