Thousands of Louisiana Workers Injured by Exposure to Asbestos

Harrell & Nowak, L.L.C  April 20, 2017 1:56 PM

Thousands of workers in Louisiana have been injured by exposure to asbestos fibers. Mesothelioma and lung cancer develop as a result of the asbestos fibers being inhaled by the victim. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral which was widely used for its heat retention capabilities. From the 1950’s through the 1980’s asbestos was used in a variety of products to which Louisiana workers would have been exposed. Asbestos was used in pipe, block spray-on insulation, gaskets, rope, mud, pump and valve packing, clutches, brakes, molds, protective clothing, joint compound and many other components. Asbestos fibers were released from these products and may have been inhaled by those working in the vicinity.

Mesothelioma (a rare form of cancer caused almost exclusively by asbestos exposure) and lung cancer develop over the course of many years. This is considered a “latency period” wherein the fibers can eventually evolve into a cancer. This is why many Louisiana workers, and their family members, are just now developing cancer after being exposed 30 to 50 years earlier.

Louisiana workers and families are particularly at risk due to prevalent industries during these years. Louisiana had many refineries, paper mills, chemical plants and power houses. All of these facilities contained numerous asbestos products that exposed the construction workers, outside contractors, plant workers and family members. It is not only the worker who has a risk for mesothelioma or lung cancer, the worker’s family is also at risk. Asbestos fibers were carried home on clothing and exposed spouses and children to the risk of developing mesothelioma or lung cancer. In addition to those working in plants, mechanics working with brakes or clutches and carpenters using drywall or roofing shingles were also exposed to asbestos. And because of these exposures, even people who did home auto repair or home remodeling have an increased risk of mesothelioma and lung cancer resulting from this asbestos exposure.

Years ago the US Surgeon General recognized that smoking and asbestos work in combination to increase the risk of developing lung cancer. What makes this situation worse is that the manufacturers and suppliers of asbestos products failed to warn Louisiana workers and their families of the risk that asbestos exposure could lead to mesothelioma and lung cancer. Despite knowing of the link for many years, Louisiana men and women were allowed to, in fact forced to, work around asbestos. As a result, many Louisiana workers have developed cancer. Louisiana Courts have recognized the harm caused to thousands of Louisiana workers and allows mesothelioma and lung cancer victims to pursue claims against the manufacturers and suppliers of asbestos products, as well as worksites (refineries, chemical plants, etc.) and employers.   The Courts also allow exposed family members to file claim as well.

Over the years, hundreds of manufacturers and suppliers of asbestos products have been identified at the various industrial and commercial sites all over the state of Louisiana. Individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma or lung cancer have legal rights to recover for themselves and their families. If you or a family member have been diagnosed with lung cancer or mesothelioma, call Eric Nowak from The Law Offices of Harrell & Nowak, L.L.C at 1-844-469-5864 or feel free to send a confidential form with your questions.


About Harrell & Nowak

As experienced New Orleans lawyers, Shirin Harrell and Eric Nowak have handled hundreds of cases which resulted in millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for their clients. With an enviable success rate, our personal injury lawyers and accident attorneys serve clients from New Orleans and areas throughout Louisiana. They have a proven track record that is hard to beat.

Harrell & Nowak handles cases involving serious injuries from car accidents, truck accidents, medical errors, slips and falls, toxic exposures – any injury caused by the fault of someone else. Experienced personal injury lawyers and medical malpractice attorneys in New Orleans fight to get the justice you deserve. Our car accident lawyers and mesothelioma attorneys have also successfully prosecuted insurance disputes and environmental cases.