Local Industrial Plant Shut Down By the State

Last week we blogged about St. Bernard Parish and Terrytown residents complaining of strong chemical odors; as of January 30, a St. Bernard Parish industrial plant was shut down by the state Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).

On December 21, a cloud of sulphur dioxide drifted above the Mississippi River and was thought to be the cause of eye and throat irritation for those crossing the river below New Orleans. DEQ officials say they suspected the toxic chemical was coming from the Rain CII, a local St. Bernard plant. The plant denied these allegations.

The Rain CII petroleum coke processing plant was shut down after DEQ officials became concerned that the variance could potentially allow more sulphur dioxide to be released than is allowed under the plant’s permit.

Even short-term exposure to sulphur dioxide could cause a range of adverse effects, especially to those suffering from emphysema, bronchitis, or heart disease. If you have been unknowingly exposed to toxic chemicals, call our office today at 1-504-522-7885 for a free case review from one of our New Orleans injury lawyers. You can also visit our website for more information about our experienced legal team.

Harrell & Nowak, LLC – New Orleans injury attorneys