Louisiana Demands Higher Environmental Standards from Local Facilities

Earlier this month, St. Bernard Parish and Terrytown residents complained of strong chemical odors. Shockingly, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) inspectors detected sulphur dioxide levels above legal limits.

The DEQ sent letters to St. Bernard’s three largest emitters of sulphur dioxide seeking information. The three main facilities in the Chalmette area that have permits to release amounts of sulphur dioxide are Valero Energy Corp.’s Meraux refinery, the Rain CII petroleum coke processing plant and the ExxonMobil Chalmette Refinery. In addition to the facilities, other emitters can contribute to elevated sulphur dioxide levels, such as ship and road traffic.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s hourly standard for sulphur dioxide is 75 parts per billion in an hour.  Due to over 30 instances last year when that level was surpassed, the DEQ has recommended that the federal Environmental Protection Agency designate St. Bernard Parish as out of compliance with standards for how much sulphur dioxide gas is released in an hour.

 The DEQ would then have to submit a state implementation plan to the EPA by mid-2014 that demonstrates how St. Bernard will reach sulphur dioxide standards by 2017.

Short-term exposure to sulphur dioxide, ranging anywhere from 5 minutes to 24 hours, could cause an array of serious respiratory problems, such as emphysema and bronchitis. These diseases could aggravate pre-existing heart disease; the effects can be more profound on asthmatics, children and the elderly.

If you have been unknowingly exposed to toxic chemicals, call our office today at 1-504-522-7885 for a free case review from one of our New Orleans injury lawyers. You can also visit our website for more information about our experienced legal team and to learn what we can do for you.

Harrell & Nowak, LLC – New Orleans injury attorneys