Auto Accidents and Neck Injuries

Auto Accidents and Neck InjuriesAuto accidents of all kinds need to be taken very seriously because they can result in serious injuries that can have long-term repercussions. When you meet with our personal injury attorneys, we will be sure to fight diligently for you and your rights.

One serious kind of injury that can be experienced during auto accidents is neck injury. We’d like to take a moment right now to consider the nature of neck injuries following an auto accident and why they need to be taken so seriously.

About Auto Accidents

Auto accidents refer broadly to any kinds of collisions that involve a motor vehicle. This can be a car, a truck, a commercial vehicle, or a mass transit vehicle. The victims of these kinds of accidents can suffer serious injury of various kinds given how much force is generated in these kinds of accidents.

Neck injuries are one of the more serious kinds of injuries that can be sustained in these accidents. An injury to the neck can greatly affect mobility and motion in the short term and in the long run as well.

Whiplash as a Result of an Auto Accident

Also known as cervical acceleration-deceleration (CAD), whiplash refers to the sudden overextension, overstretching, or distortion of the neck. This is a common injury when a stationary vehicle is struck by a moving vehicle, especially in rear-end auto accidents.

Some of the most common symptoms of whiplash injuries include:

  • Neck and back pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Headaches
  • Pins and needles in the extremities

Herniated Discs as a Result of an Auto Accident

Between each vertebrae is a spongy cushion known as a disc. These discs help hold the spinal column together and absorb shock sustained through movement of the spine. Herniated discs refer to cases in which these discs rupture and shift out of place. These injuries can occur in the back area or spine area as a result of trauma.

Some of the most common symptoms of herniated disc injuries include:

  • Pain and soreness
  • Pain in the extremities
  • Numbness in the neck and extremities
  • Weakness in the area of the slipped disc

Quadriplegia as a Result of an Auto Accident

The most tragic kinds of neck injuries that our spinal cord injury attorneys see following an auto accident are the kinds that lead to quadriplegia. Quadriplegia refers to loss of use and sensation in the arms and legs. This happens as a result of a serious break or injury in the upper portion of the spinal column, particularly the cervical (neck) area.

People who are rendered quadriplegic following an auto accident face major obstacles in life. Their ability to perform common tasks is greatly impaired due to their inability to use their limbs. Many will require special care, wheelchairs, and medical monitoring for the rest of their lives.

Learn More About Auto Accident Litigation

For more information about auto accident litigation and what our legal team can do for you and your loved ones in your time of legal need, be sure to contact our New Orleans personal injury lawyers today. We look forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve the best possible legal outcomes.